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A member registered Jan 11, 2018

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I am very much looking forward to this. OwO Good luck! Hopefully this year is easier on you.

Yay! I'm so happy. ;u;

Stranded? Those boys can teleport us to any location in the world, we're not getting stranded! XD (Rye) 
Looking forward to the DLC! <3

Yay! ❤ 

Let us pet the cats! OwO

This is madness, but it's fun and I like it, despite it perhaps not being my Type of premise? The music and the artwork are really nice (pity that Vincent's lovely butt doesn't fit on the screen, though XD). I think Sebastian is my favourite guy so far. He's so pretty and has such lovely hair. And he doesn't do anything. GOOD! XD Because, honestly, the other guys getting so handsy and stuff was a bit overwhelming. If it were me, I would be hiding behind Vincent. XD But I wouldn't mind getting to be the Sleeping Beauty's cuddly toy, I suppose, as long as he doesn't try to eat my hair.